Supplement of the Month: Vitamin D — What is it and how can it help?

Vitamin D is an essential, fat-soluble vitamin in the body that comes in several forms. When discussing vitamin D, the two primary forms that are derived from dietary sources include vitamin D2 and vitamin D3. The largest difference between vitamin D2 and D3 is where they are found; vitamin D2 is found mainly in plant sources such as mushrooms or fortified non-diary milk, whereas vitamin D3 is found in animal sources such as fish, eggs, and fortified dairy milk. When it comes to supplementation, D3 is the optimal version to utilize. 

While vitamin D is available from dietary sources, it is also able to be produced within your body. Vitamin D is known as the “sunshine vitamin” because when our skin is exposed to direct sunshine (UV rays), our bodies start the process of vitamin D synthesis. 

When direct sun exposure is less accessible, especially for us in Minnesota come wintertime or those more sensitive to sun exposure, it is important to find alternative sources of vitamin D – whether through food sources or supplementation. Typically, vitamin D consumption is more easily available through supplementation than dietary sources. Supplementation of 400-1000 IU is recommended for those not able to spend 15-30 minutes outside per day in direct sunlight.

You may be asking yourself, “What’s the big deal with vitamin D anyways?”. Vitamin D plays a vital role in bone health, aiding in calcium absorption, and therefore assisting in delaying the progression of osteoporosis and other bone-absorption complications. It can also help support those with certain thyroid conditions, cardiovascular concerns, or who commonly acquire respiratory infections. There is also some data to suggest that vitamin D can aid in cognitive function and mood.

Whether or not any of the above applies to you, vitamin D supplementation can be a great addition to your daily regimen for general bone, immune, and mood support. Next time you’re in the office, ask your DC if vitamin D supplementation is right for you! Throughout the month of January, all vitamin D supplements are 10% off.


Vitamin D Information and Blog Sources

National Institute of Health

Mayo Clinic

Natural Medicines