Omega 3 Fatty Acids: the quick glance

About omega 3 and omega 6
Omega 3 supplements are usually in the form of fish oil however, some plant based alternatives are available like flaxseed oil. Omega 3 fatty acids work to reduce inflammation in the body which is often the root of many health problems. Many Americans do not get enough Omega 3 fatty acids in their diet and have a skewed ratio between the anti-inflammatory omega 3 and often pro-inflammatory omega 6. Ideally the ratio between the two should be 4:1 (Omega 6: Omega 3), but more realistically with western diets most individuals have a ratio that is closer to 25:1. If inflammation is the root of many health problems shouldn’t we look to the diet and see what is causing it? How do you get Omega 6? There are high amounts of omega 6 in corn, vegetable, soybean, and sunflower oils so avoid these. Most of these oils are used heavily in processed foods which is another reason why eating these foods regularly have negative health outcomes. Corn is very high in omega 6 and as most know, corn seems to be in everything these days. This is why I choose to eat grass-fed animal protein because many animals today are fed grains that include corn and soy, so even when we eat meat we are getting omega 6s that were never there before. This shift in how our food is processed has happened so fast that we have not evolved to handle such an alteration in our essential fatty acids, the outcome sadly is sickness.

How to improve your ratio
How do you improve your ratio between the two? As already mentioned avoiding processed foods is a good place to start, eat grass fed animal products, eat eggs that are rich in omega 3s, opt for oils like coconut and olive oil, and eat fresh fatty fish at least once a week. These alterations are changes that can make a difference but for many this still isn’t enough which is where supplementation can come in.

Does quality matter
Choose a high quality fish oil supplement. Quality is everything when it comes to fish oil because oftentimes less expensive options can be laden with heavy metals or dangerous PCBs. The fish oil products we offer here are safe; third party tested, and come from a clean and sustainable source.

What dose should be taken?
It is important to discuss with a health care provider before starting any supplement. Your chiropractor can help you decide what dose is right for you. Most likely it will be close to 700 mg of fish oil that is broken down into ~300 mg of EPA and DHA each.

What are the benefits of taking fish oil?
Reducing inflammation
Joint health benefits
Immune health benefits
Heart health benefits
and more

*Not intended as medical advice*